Exponential Technique (or, speeds that come in tall, venti & grande)

Like many, I have my own list of “guitar heroes”… • Jimmy Page • John Scofield • Jeff Beck • Adam Rogers • Ralph Towner … and a bunch of others. (yeah, I put some esoteric ones on there to make you think I’m really… esoteric) But the science geek part of me also has a list…
The Story of A. (it’s all in the details)

This is a story about details. Details are a good thing. However, many people tend to forgo them when they are distracted by others things like… learning songs. I have found, after decades of teaching, that when someone is learning a song, the details are the first thing to go. Details such as… • proper…
Picasso Painted Guitars… and Some Bulls.

In 1945, Pablo Picasso created his work, “The Bull” – a suite of eleven separate lithographs that eloquently transform a fully realized image of a bull into a minimalistic rendering. I’ve seen this in person at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California, where the works reside. As I walked past each of the drawings…
That’s an Affirmative.

I happen to be a big fan of motivational posters. Mind you, I don’t have any of them up on my walls. That is because I’m also a big fan of hip & cool interior design and motivational posters are sooooo 1992. But the notion of short inspirational words & phrases is something that I’ve…
Intervals: Take two, they’re small…

There was once a Broadway play called Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You. It was a modern 70s era play about a nun who explains the basic tenets of the Catholic faith to the audience while former students visit her & question the truth of it all. It riled up a fair amount of…