A Matter of Scale – Part 2
Here is some further clarification of the concepts I discussed in a previous blog post, It’s a Matter of Scale… There are seven notes in the major scale. C Major Scale = C D E F G A B But whenever I ask a student. “What are the notes of the C major scale?”, they frequently answer, “C D…
And then the guitar says, “What are you looking at, anyways?”
Are you ever aware of where you are focusing your gaze while playing? Here are the five places you can look while playing: • your left hand • your right hand • whatever is on the music stand • nowhere in particular… staring into space • close your eyes My experience when observing students play…
Warning: This is not a New Year’s Resolution Blog Post
How tempting is it to discuss a new plan for a new year for something so progress-based such as learning a musical instrument. I’ve done it plenty of times myself… sitting down to practice on January 1st & feeling like I am somehow newly recharged & refocused. However, all the things that I have been…
Contrary to Popular Belief…
… your fingers do not have minds of their own. Yet at times, it does indeed seem as if they do. Muscle memory is a big part of learning to play any instrument, so in a way, you could say that the fingers are often working independently from your conscious mind’s direction. It’s about getting the…
Multi-tasking: Part One in a Series
Generally, when one starts a series of articles, they already have a number of ideas & topics that they will write about over the next few weeks. I just now had the idea for this series while I was warming up on my acoustic and so, right now, I only have this one idea. But I am counting…